Hacking the Aeternity Codebase


See Build for details. - Dependencies - Ubuntu: sudo apt install autoconf build-essential cmake erlang libsodium-dev libgmp-dev - Mac OS: brew install erlang@24 openssl libsodium autoconf gmp cmake automake

git clone https://github.com/aeternity/aeternity.git
cd aeternity
make prod-build

The Aeternity build system uses Rebar3 to do the heavy work, and wraps this in a Makefile for ease of use. To hack on Aeternity you need some basic knowledge about Rebar3. See Quick Guide to Rebar for a comprehensive introduction.

Configuration files

  • You can use either .json or .yaml to specify the user-level configuration. By default, the system looks for ~/.aeternity/aeternity/aeternity.{json,yaml} or aeternity.{json,yaml} in the top directory. You can also set environment variables on the form AE__..., e.g. AE__HTTP__CORS__MAX_AGE. See [docs/configuration.md] for details.
  • The system first reads the usual Erlang system configuration files (specific per release, in _build/prod/rel/aeternity/releases/*/). These are generated from the corresponding source files under config/:
  • vm.args for Erlang VM options.
  • sys.config for overriding the Erlang application defaults (the .app files).


See Operation for details.

Starting the system with an Erlang terminal prompt

cd _build/prod/rel/aeternity`
bin/aeternity console

Opening an Erlang shell for running a unit or integration test

Rebar lets you open an Erlang shell with one or more profiles applied, such as test. This sets up paths to test apps, etc., which will not be available in the default profile. By default all apps listed in the release spec will be started; to avoid this, specify --apps "":

rebar3 as test shell --apps ""

or for system testing

rebar3 as system_test shell --apps ""

The system can then be started manually from the Erlang shell like this:

    TempDir = aec_test_utils:create_temp_key_dir(),
    application:set_env(aecore, keys_dir, TempDir),
    application:set_env(aecore, password, <<"secret">>),

after which you can do your testing. To clean up the temporary directory that was created, do:


Aeternity Code structure

  • How the system starts
  • There is no single function call to start the Aeternity system. There is a start script (_build/prod/rel/aeternity/bin/aeternity) which is generated by Rebar3 when you run e.g. make prod-build or make prod-package. The package would typically be installed under ~/aeternity/node and it is assumed that you start the system from the install directory (or directly from the build directory). You typically run it as bin/aeternity daemon or bin/aeternity console.
    • The start script is a modified version of the "extended start script" that Rebar3 would normally generate from its standard template. The source file for the Aeternity version is located in scripts/aeternity_bin. This file should be kept up to date with changes in the upstream Rebar3 version (which is part of relx).
  • The start script starts Erlang with a custom boot file generated by Rebar3, named start.boot or aeternity.boot (in _build/prod/rel/aeternity/releases/*/). It is specific for each release and specifies exactly what processes and applications should be started when the Erlang system boots. (The .boot file is in a binary format that the system can read at boot time without needing to load any other modules such as for parsing text. To see what the boot file does, look at the corresponding source file start.script (or aeternity.script) instead.)
    • That the system starts from a boot file means that applications not listed in the boot script will not be available in the code path when the system is running, even if they are normally in the standard Erlang/OTP distribution; e.g., debugger, wx, or parsetools. If wanted, such extras must be added manually, or run from a separate Erlang instance.
    • Multiple releases can be installed alongside each other, and the code paths in the boot script typically name the versions of the applications (in the lib directory under the installation root), so e.g. release 1.1 could be using the version "lib/xyz-2.0.3" of application xyz, while release 1.2 uses the version "lib/xyz-2.1.1". The start script (bin/aeternity) picks the release version to use.
  • The .boot and .script files are generated automatically by the release-building tools of Rebar3, using the relx specification section of the rebar.config file. This is where you list all the Erlang applications that should be included in the release and started when the Aeternity system boots. (They will be "started" regardless of whether they actually start any processes. This loads the app configuration.) The start order in the .boot file is made to obey the application dependencies found in the individual *.app files (usually generated from *.app.src files) that provide the per-application metadata: for example, the apps/aehttp/src/aehttp.app.src file specifies that aecore must be started before aehttp can start. Hence, when the Erlang system boots, it will launch all specified applications in a suitable order, and when all are running, the system is up. There is no specific single entry point to the system.
    • The boot script also includes the app configuration from the {env, ...} sections of the .app (or .app.src) files at build time, and sets these configurations as the system boots. Modifying the .app files in the installed system has no effect. Use the sys.config or command line options to override the build-time configuration.
    • Furthermore, Rebar3 doesn't rebuild dependency apps (under _build/default/lib) if they get modified, so updating e.g. _build/default/lib/lager/src/lager.app.src will have no effect on lager.app (and hence not on the produced release build) - you must delete the existing _build/default/lib/lager/ebin/lager.app file to force Rebar3 to rebuild it.
  • The (nonstandard) setup application, which is assumed to start very early in the boot sequence, provides extra startup configuration magic:
    • It scans all application configurations for entries with the key '$setup_hooks', specifying callback functions to be executed by setup. (See e.g. aeutils.app.src.)
    • Because the boot script loads all application configurations and modules before it starts the first application, the full list of applications and their configuration is known when setup is started.
    • The Aeternity system uses these callbacks to read the aeternity.{yaml,json} (aeu_env:read_config()) file, inject overrides from OS environment variables AE__... (aeu_env:apply_os_env()), and load plugins (aeu_plugins:load_plugins()) before the rest of the system starts, as well as perform sanity checks on configurations (aecore_env:check_env(), etc.).
    • It has "smart" get_env() functions which can perform advanced variable expansion on the configuration values. E.g., if an application x has a configuration entry {log_dir, "$HOME/log"}, then calling setup:get_env(x, log_dir) will return something like "/home/username/log". (This only works on variables defined via setup itself, not general shell environment variables - $HOME is a predefined special case.)
    • Setup has a configuration option data_dir which the Aeternity system uses to know where its database is located. The directory needs to already exist and be populated at system start, else the startup fails.
  • The (nonstandard) app_ctrl application provides additional control over the start order in the system. Normally, the applications are started in the order listed in the relx specification of rebar.config, modified to obey the dependencies listed in the individual .app.src files. This means that applications can specify that they must be started after other applications that they know about and depend on, but application x cannot specify that it needs to start before another application y which is unaware of x and whose dependencies (in its .app file) cannot be modified.
    • The app_ctrl app hooks into the kernel application, which is always the first to start, by configuring app_ctrl_bootstrap to run as (dummy) handler of the logger functionality in the kernel. This is done in the sys.config. When the kernel app starts, this launches the app_ctrl_server process (but not the app_ctrl application itself).
    • The app_ctrl_server looks for configuration both in the normal app_ctrl app environment, and by scanning other applications for entries with the key '$app_ctrl' (using functionality from setup; see above). In Aeternity, this can be found in the aecore.app.src file.
    • The app_ctrl configuration can specify per application that the app needs to be started before certain other apps. It can also define "roles", which are sets of apps, and "modes", which are sets of roles. Applications that are not explicitly mentioned in the configuration are left to the standard application controller.
    • If you try to make an application in Aeternity depend on (start after) one of those applications that are managed by app_ctrl, such as aehttp, then you will get a crash during startup with error messages containing {orphans,[...]} and apps_not_found: [...]. To fix this you must also add your app to the same "roles" in the '$app_ctrl' section of aecore.app.src.
    • When the real app_ctrl application is finally started, it just sets up a supervisor and a worker process which acts as a proxy that links itself to the already running app_ctrl_server process, so that the application crashes if the server process crashes.
  • Logging is done via the Lager app. A handler aeu_lager_logger_handler for the standard OTP logger is also set up in the sys.config, which forwards standard log messages to Lager.
    • The aeutils.app.src file configures a hook for the setup app, making it call aeu_logging_env:adjust_log_levels() when setup starts. (Note that aeutils configuration must thus be loaded before setup runs, which it will be when running from a boot script.) This will also call aeu_logging_env:expand_lager_log_root() to ensure that lager has its log_root configuration set, using setup:log_dir() as the default. Furthermore it rewrites the log root setting to be an absolute path, to ensure that the logging is not affected by changes to the current working directory of the Erlang VM during execution.
    • As soon as lager starts, it will create the log directory and all log files using its current configuration.
    • Since setup and lager don't know about each other's existence, their .app files do not specify any dependency between them. Their relative order in the relx specification thus decides their actual order in the boot script.
    • The lager configuration in sys.config sets up both a handler that writes to the console, and a handler that writes to the aeternity.log logfile. It also configures additional logging sinks, for which corresponding modules are generated dynamically, so that the sink whose name is epoch_mining_lager_event can be used by calling epoch_mining:info(...), and so on. Hence you will not find a source module named epoch_mining.erl in the codebase. Most of these extra sinks will not log to the console, only to log files.
  • Main applications (in reverse start order), most under the main repo (github.com/aeternity/aeternity.git) under the apps directory; the rest will be found under _build/default/lib:
  • aedevmode
    • (Something about keypairs for testing. Runs aedevmode_emitter.)
  • aesync
    • The aesync app just launches aec_connection_sup, which exists under the aecore application. It is a "supervisor for servers dealing with inter node communication"
  • aestratum
    • An implementation of server side part of the Stratum protocol. The purpose of the protocol is to formalize the coordination of information exchange between pool server and pool clients. See [docs/stratum.md]
  • aemon
    • Network monitoring (disabled by default). Uses statsd backend provided by aec_metrics.erl. See [docs/monitoring.md]
  • aehttp
    • The HTTP API. This app doesn't have any actual child processes of its own. It just starts Cowboy endpoints.
    • The Cowboy setup is done in aehttp_app which calls aehttp_api_router to get the endpoint data.
    • The endpoints are specified in apps/aehttp/priv/oas3.yaml which is used to generate callback modules oas_endpoints, endpoints (the old Swagger version), and rosetta_endpoints.
    • aehttp_api_router calls these to get the data, and then filters it depending on what should be enabled. Note that the important enabled_endpoint_groups setting is computed in aehttp_app:check_env(), which runs from a setup hook defined in aecore.app.src.
    • All endpoints enter via aehttp_api_handler:handle_request_json() which dispatches to one of the modules aehttp_dispatch_ext, aehttp_dispatch_int, or aehttp_dispatch_rosetta. These may reject a request if the system is overloaded, or put it in a run queue for later (see aec_jobs_queues). aehttp_api_handler also does the conversion between JSON-as-text and JSON-as-Erlang-terms for request inputs and outputs, using the jsx library.
    • For example, the request GetCurrentKeyBlockHeight is actually handled in the module aehttp_dispatch_ext, like this: erlang handle_request_('GetCurrentKeyBlockHeight', Req, Context) -> TopBlock = aec_chain:top_block(), Height = aec_blocks:height(TopBlock), {200, [], #{height => Height}};
  • aechannel
    • State channels (aesc_...). The aesc_fsm.erl state machine is described by the PlantUML file [docs/state-channels/fsm.puml].
  • aeapi
    • A single facade module for the internal API functions. Does not launch any child processes, or even any supervisor.
  • aecore
    • The Core Aeternity Application supervisor tree. Runs the aec_worker_sup, aec_consensus_sup, and aec_conductor_sup. It used to run the aec_connection_sup as well, before that was moved to the aesync app.
    • aec_worker_sup
      • Runs aec_metrics, aec_keys, and aec_tx_pool
    • aec_consensus_sup
      • Initially empty
    • aec_conductor_sup
      • Runs aec_conductor and aec_block_generator
  • aecli
    • The CLI, based on ecli. The supervisor is started with no children.
  • aefate
    • The FATE virtual machine. A library application, does not start any processes.
  • ecrecover (github.com/aeternity/ecrecover.git)
    • Library for verifying Ethereum signatures.
  • aega
    • Library for Generalized Accounts
  • aeprimop
    • Library for primitive operations to modify chain state objects.
  • aeoracle
    • Library for Oracles.
  • aens
    • Naming System library.
  • aecontract
    • Library for Contracts
  • aevm
    • Other VM (Aethereum?)
  • aebytecode (github.com/aeternity/aebytecode.git)
    • Library and standalone assembler for Aeternity bytecode, supporting both AEVM bytecode and FATE bytecode.
  • aeserialization (github.com/aeternity/aeserialization.git)
    • Serialization helpers for Aeternity node.
  • aetx
    • Library for Transactions ADT
  • aeutils
    • Library with various utility functions. Starts a supervisor with no children.
  • aeminer (github.com/aeternity/aeminer.git)
    • Erlang library to work with CPU and CUDA cuckoo miners.
  • aecuckoo (github.com/aeternity/aecuckoo.git)
    • Cuckoo CPU miner binaries.